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TurnItIn: Home

Need to figure out how to use TurnItIn from within Schoology and Managebac? Here are some tips and guides to help you.

TurnItIn is an anti-plagiarism tool that shows matches between student submissions and a repository of internet sites, previously submitted student papers, and other sources. At SAS, TurnItIn is purchased by Ed Programs and administered by Robin Lu. This guide is a collection of help curated from guides on the web as well as peer-created resources by expert teacher users. 

  • If you have technical issues, please email
  • If you need help interpreting TurnInIt results, your librarian can help.
  • If you need help setting parameters for an assignment that runs through TurnItIn, your IB coordinator or librarian can help you find a teacher mentor who uses the software frequently.

PowerPoint: TurnItIn & Schoology

Video: TurnItIn & Schoology

Checking Your EE Advisee's TurnItIn Report in Managebac

In Puxi, students should submit EE drafts to Manage Bac. Once it's submitted you can access it by clicking on the calendar link: Overview>Year Groups>Grade 12>EE draft. 
That takes you to a list of all students, including yours. You can access the essay directly with the link, or download it. If you click on the similarity % shown, you will be able to see the full Turn it In report. Screen shots attached.


How do I recover my username and password for TurnItIn?

SAS no longer uses Rather TurnItIn is integrated in Schoology, so no separate account needs to be created and no separate log-in is necessary for teachers or students. You don't need a Class ID or enrollment key. (It's so much simpler now!)  Please see instructions in the adjacent boxes about how to use TurnItIn from within Schoology.

How do I prevent a student getting 100% match with an earlier draft?

If students resubmit something (whether through different accounts, different classes, or even just a new draft), their work will show a match with their previous work, so it will show 100% match. You have two choices to deal with this:

  1. When creating the assignment, use the settings option in TurnItIn that says "allow resubmissions" 
  2. If you missed this step, you can still see that it's a match with 'submitted to SAS' and exclude that match in the results. Here's how you can exclude a match completely using the Match Overview side panel.

How do I check my EE advisee's similariy report in ManageBac?

Directions are here

Using TurnItIn Within Schoology

Website: TurnItIn & Schoology