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Puxi Hub Library Guide: English & Language Arts Sites

Usernames and Passwords

Database Usernames and Passwords

This link to passwords will only work for those with a email address. Usernames and passwords are only for our school community and must not be shared outside of SAS.

Gale Literature: LitFinder

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LitFinder provides access to a wealth of literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history. Including more than 132,000 full-text poems and 670,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. Biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary are also included. 

Bloom's Literature

Bloom's Literature | Kansas State Library, KS - Official Website

Bloom's Literature is rich with relevant content on core authors and works, multicultural classics, and contemporary literature. It includes critical essays from Facts On File's extensive collection, Harold Bloom's acclaimed essays, and literary criticism from the Bloom's imprint. It features in-depth entries on literary movements, groups, periodicals, and historical events.

Gale Literature Resource Center

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Gale Literature Resource Center supports literary responses, literary analysis, and thesis statements through a diversity of views and interpretations. Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world.

Research and Citation

HeinOnline Has Integrated with NoodleTools! - HeinOnline Blog.     MLA Formatting and Style Guide // Purdue Writing Lab.     MLA Style Center | MLA Style Center, the only authorized Web site on MLA  style, provides free resources on research, writing, and documentation. .    Take a look at using Diigo the social bookmarking tool you can access  anywhere | Social Media for Learning

Created by

Jeremy Willetteundefined
SAS Library Coordinator
Jeremy.Willette @