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Pudong Middle & High School Library: Science Sites

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Gale In Context: Science

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Gale Science in Context provides information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. Delivers up-to-date information on frequently studied topics in biology, chemistry, physics, math, and more. Integrates millions of full-text articles that include global publications, science experiments, and interactive simulations.


Gale Interactive: Science

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Gale Interactive Science takes visual-spatial learning to the next level by bringing the lab to the classroom. High-value, rich-media digital content selected from authoritative classroom resources is paired with interactive 3D models to deliver a virtual laboratory simulation experience.

Environmental Sciences

Gale Environmental Studies | Mendocino County, CA

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies empowers learners to critically analyze and understand important topics that affect people around the world. Explore topics and events within Earth systems, global change, pollution, and populations. Integrating case studies, news, reference materials, academic journals, videos, and more, Environmental Studies is updated daily with relevant information. 


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The Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies & Policy is a digital resource that answers inquiries about environmental concerns with coverage of more than 5.4 million articles from more than 300 journals and book reference content from Delmar, including Soil, Science, and Management; Introduction to Agronomy; Food, Crops, & Environment; Fundamental Soil Science; and more.




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Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy is an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research. This powerful tool can be used for in-classroom demonstrations or help with homework and research assignments. 


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Bring science to life and help students visualize key concepts. Aligned to the scope and sequence of introductory college classes, Gale Interactive: Chemistry engages students and aids comprehension by pairing reference material with manipulatable 3D models.



Research and Citation

HeinOnline Has Integrated with NoodleTools! - HeinOnline Blog.     MLA Formatting and Style Guide // Purdue Writing Lab.     MLA Style Center | MLA Style Center, the only authorized Web site on MLA  style, provides free resources on research, writing, and documentation. .    Take a look at using Diigo the social bookmarking tool you can access  anywhere | Social Media for Learning

Created by

Jeremy Willetteundefined
SAS Library Coordinator
Jeremy.Willette @